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Meet Jim and Nancy Dornan

As Purdue graduates Jim and Nancy moved from their native Indiana to California to launch his career as an aerospace engineer. Anxious to supplement their beginning incomes they launched their own business and did well. However, when their second child was born with disabilities that requires enormous costs, they built their organization with a dedication that took them to the top with an international business that generated a seven-figure income. The training corporation they developed to educate their associates, Network 21, is now one of the largest of its kind in the world with offices in 36 countries and materials in 23 languages. The Dornans now live in Sarasota and Atlanta, jetting back and forth easily in their new jet. As close friends and mentors they assist our team in “doing life,” and in “giving back.” The Network 21 team has donated millions to sponsor orphans around the world and to assist the handicapped.

In the last year, Jim Dornan has successful overcome stage 4 esphageal cancer, openly sharing with the world, how his faith and friends have helped him through the struggle. Check out his blog at