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How Big is your Dream?

When I entered a denominational college, I walked on to the basketball team and played for 4 years. In 1960 I was the tallest player on the team and the coach decided we would try to outrun our opponents with “full court press and fast break” from start to finish. We worked ourselves to exhaustion in practice and by the second game we had averaged over 100 points. The coach gave us a collective dream– a vision! “Boys, if you keep this up, you can be the highest scoring team in college basketball. something you can tell your grandchildren about.” The record at that time was an average of 107– before the 3-point long shots! After 29 games we averaged 114.2 and hold the NCAA record!

A friend and former business associate, the late Dr. David Schwartz wrote the Magic of Thinking Big, selling 4 million copies. His point is that the difference between the outcome people achieve in life depends on the size of their expectations! Most of these pictures come to us unconsciously from parents, spouses, peers, and circumstances and those personal visions are usually much less than we could attain. “You will not achieve everything you dream,” said Rev. Robert Schuller, with whom we shared a platform several times, “but you will not achieve anything you have not dreamed. What kind of dreams would you have if you knew you could not fail?” Benjamin Disraeli, the British Prime Minister who came from a humble background, said, “Dream Big. Life is too short to be little.” Can you describe your own current dream? Is it big enough to inspire you? And to scare you?